English and Language Arts
Megan Madramootoo
Office: Holmes Hall 206
Phone: 443-885-3165
MA degree in English/Creative Writing - Southern New Hampshire University
BA degree in English Literature from the University of Maryland Global Campus.
Ms. Madramootoo is in the doctoral program. She holds a MA degree in English/Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University and a BA degree in English Literature from the University of Maryland Global Campus. Her major field of study at Morgan is Creative Writing with a minor field focus in British & American Literature and Theory. Her published work includes the essays “Nothing There” (2019) and “Unicorns and Fairy Dust” (2020). She is eager to interact with distinguished writers, especially whose whose specialty is nonfiction writing.
Contact Information
Department of English
Morgan State University
1700 East Cold Spring Ln.
202 Holmes Hall
P: 443-885-3165
F: 443-885-8225
Contact Information
Department of English
Morgan State University
1700 East Cold Spring Ln.
202 Holmes Hall
P: 443-885-3165
F: 443-885-8225