Dr. J.A. White
Office: Holmes Hall 209
Phone: 443-885-3165
B.A., The Johns Hopkins University
M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook
PhD., State University of New York at Stony Brook
Research Areas:
Literature & Archtypal Psychology, Popular Culture, LGBTQ Studies
J. A. White, Ph.D., is an associate professor and interim chairperson of the Department of English and Language Arts at Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland. He earned the B.A. in English from The Johns Hopkins University in 1978, and the M.A. and Ph.D. in English from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, specializing in Anglo-Saxon and Romantic literature. He is the author of Hero-Ego in Search of Self: A Jungian Reading of Beowulf (Peter Lang, 2004).
His research interests include literature and archetypal psychology; popular culture, especially film; and LGBTQ studies. He combined these interests in his latest published chapter, "In the Dark of Your Own Psyche : Jungian Theory and Horror." In Fear and Learning: Essays on the Pedagogy of Horror. Eds. Aalya Ahmed and Sean Moreland (2013). He is currently working on a proposal for a book which will aid instructors in translating an understanding of intersectionality into an inclusive pedagogy for the undergraduate classroom.
Contact Information
Department of English
Morgan State University
1700 East Cold Spring Ln.
202 Holmes Hall
P: 443-885-3165
F: 443-885-8225
Contact Information
Department of English
Morgan State University
1700 East Cold Spring Ln.
202 Holmes Hall
P: 443-885-3165
F: 443-885-8225