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Jim Curbean Faculty & Staff

Morgan State University Appoints James Curbeam to Lead Enterprise Risk Management Program

by Morgan State U
April 28, 2023

New Director of Enterprise Risk Management to Support Elevation of Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness Using Best Business Practices in Higher Education


BALTIMORE — Morgan State University announces the hire of James Curbeam as Director of Enterprise Risk Management, a newly created position designed to strengthen the University’s management of risk through the proactive process of identifying, assessing, evaluating, mitigating, and minimizing operational and fiscal vulnerabilities across the full spectrum of University functions. The hiring comes in the wake of the Board of Regents approval of a new Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Policy for the University. Curbeam, who assumed the position effective April 19, reports directly to the Office of the President.

“Over the years, as the landscape of higher education has evolved, many institutions have become increasingly vulnerable to external—and internal—risks that could negatively impact their operations and reputation. Mr. Curbeam’s expertise will help prepare Morgan to avoid potentially damaging scenarios that could negatively affect the institution’s bottom-line,” said David K. Wilson, president of Morgan State University. “By having a consistent full-time focus on all potential risks to the university, we are better equipped to manage our performance, allowing us to maintain a culture of accountability and operational efficiency.”

James Curbeam ERM is a widely used business process that is implemented to increase organizational agility and resiliency to ultimately increase performance and efficiencies. The ERM program was proactively created by the University to diminish vulnerability to risks comprising several key risk management categories including strategic, financial, operational compliance, hazard, personnel, regulatory and reputational risks. In his role, Curbeam will be responsible for the university-wide leadership of conducting assessments to define and analyze potential risks and the implementation of appropriate processes and procedures to ensure full compliance. 

In addition, as director of ERM, Curbeam will collaborate with the Office of Internal Audits as he monitors audit reports and implements appropriate processes and procedures to ensure all aspects of University-wide compliance. He will also work to enhance employee risk awareness through education and training, and will establish an Enterprise Risk Management Committee, serving as its chair.

According to a report by Deloitte Higher Education, in recent years, many institutions of higher education have been forced to deal with a number of adverse issues. Institutions that do not plan adequately for innovative approaches to education delivery, revenue generation and evolving enrollment, run the risk of undermining their institution’s integrity becoming less competitive. The ERM Program will leverage and enhance the University’s existing programs of internal control and compliance to help ensure that the University has a system of accountability for and oversight of its operations. It will also help the University achieve its goals outlined in its recent 10-year strategic plan (“Transformation Morgan 2030: Leading the Future”), and facilitate ethical behavior, integrity of operations, and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

“I’m excited to begin my role as director of Enterprise Risk Management for Morgan State University,” said Curbeam. “The world we live in today is full of risk and volatility. Enterprise Risk Management is a way to take a holistic approach to minimize downside consequences and maximize upside opportunities. As MSU continues to lead the future through its strategic plan, Transformation Morgan 2030, I look forward to infusing ERM into the process.”

Curbeam joins Morgan with more than 20 years of experience as an executive risk management professional, including insurance program administration, self-insurance administration, loss control, and claims management. He has experience working in various industries including energy, water, government, manufacturing, education, and hospitality. He most recently served as director of Risk Management for Baltimore County Public Schools after more than six serving in the same capacity with the Las Vegas Valley Water District. Prior to that, he spent four years as director of Global Claims Administration with Las Vegas Sands Corp. His background also includes serving the Omaha Public Power District for 11 years as manager of Insurance Claims and manager of Risk Management. 

Curbeam holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Creighton University, and an Executive MBA from the University of Nebraska at Omaha.


About Morgan

Morgan State University, founded in 1867, is a Carnegie-classified high research (R2) institution offering more than 140 academic programs leading to degrees from the baccalaureate to the doctorate. As Maryland’s Preeminent Public Urban Research University, and the only university to have its entire campus designated as a National Treasure by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Morgan serves a multiethnic and multiracial student body and seeks to ensure that the doors of higher education are opened as wide as possible to as many as possible. For more information about Morgan State University, visit

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Media Contacts:
Cheryl Stewart or Dell Jackson, for University PR