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Center for Equitable Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Systems

Data Engineering and Predictive Analytics (DEPA) Lab

Dr. Kofi Nyarko
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Welcome to the Data Engineering and Predictive Analytics Lab (DEPA Lab) at Morgan State University, led by Dr. Kofi Nyarko. Our mission is to unravel the intricacies embedded within extensive data sets derived from complex engineering systems and provide transformative insights.

The DEPA Lab is an innovative and inclusive hub for research and development in the realm of data engineering and predictive analytics. We work at the forefront of technology, developing high-performance machine learning algorithms and models for near real-time collection, transformation, analysis, prediction, and visualization of multivariate data. Our ultimate goal is to provide robust decision support systems.

Our research interests span across various critical areas:

  • Machine Learning, Analysis, Modeling & Simulation: We create and optimize machine learning models that reflect real-world scenarios, enhancing system performance and response times.
  • Information, Data Analytics, Software Systems: Our team develops advanced data aggregation, analysis, and visualization software systems that boost the efficiency of mission-critical decision support.
  • Test & Evaluation: We develop processes and systems to facilitate robust automated test and evaluation activities. 
  • Embedded Processing & IoT: We focus on developing algorithms and systems suited for IoT and general applications. Our work addresses the challenges of real-time data analysis and improves system response times.
  • Visual Data Analytics: Our lab innovates in the area of user-adaptable visual data analytics, enhancing situational awareness across distributed infrastructures.

The DEPA Lab focuses on the practical applications of machine learning, computer vision, embedded processing, and cloud computing. Core expertise for the lab lies in developing high-performance machine learning algorithms and models, computer vision systems, and real-time data analytics solutions.

With a history of successful collaborations with industry and academia, the DEPA Lab is bridging the gap between theoretical research and real-world applications. We welcome students, researchers, and industry partners passionate about data engineering and predictive analytics to join us.