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Department of Mathematics

Personal Experience With ALEKS

by Katherine Adao • April 30, 2020

Katherine AdaoI have used the learning tool ALEKS for my Math 106 class. During the beginning of my 2nd semester of college, my teacher introduced us to ALEKS. ALEKS is a web-based learning tool to learn course materials. Not only does the system allow us to learn but it also allows us to work at our own pace and get help on materials we are unfamiliar with. ALEKS organizes our tasks into chapters and topics. The teacher assigns when a specific chapter is due and ALEKS assigns you tasks and demonstrates how many you must complete in order to finish the chapter. The platform also allows you to see exactly what topics you've succeeded in and your growth in the learning process. I love how this system does not hurt your grade if you get answers incorrectly, instead it helps you until you learn how to get it correctly. The system is even smart enough to be acquainted with topics you are familiar with and ones you might need assistance with. This gives students the opportunity to learn and try without the fear of being wrong. This has helped me tremendously because in the past I've always overthought problems which would refrain me from even trying. ALEKS has made learning math easier, considering the subject has always been challenging for me.

Furthermore, the tool gives you examples and descriptions how to solve a certain problem which is great for a visual learner like me. Also, when you get an answer correct it gives you double the points. This motivates you to double check your answers and make sure of what you're submitting. For anyone looking to use ALEKS or is expected to use the tool, I really recommend it. The only downside I have to say about ALEKS is the fact it requires the user to pay a certain fee. Normally, they give you a two week free of use, but the cost of ALEKS was expensive. I'd say it was worth it though. I have been introduced to other math learning platforms before but none of them were as simple and easy to use as this one.