Office Of Study Abroad
To our prospective study abroad students, we are excited that you are taking this first important step in making a significant investment in yourself and in your future. We invite you to explore the many opportunities available at Morgan State as we prepare diverse and competitive students for success in a global, interdependent society. Morgan State has established over 30 international partnerships with institutions in Brazil, China, Ghana, Tanzania, Botswana, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and the Caribbean. In addition, we have partnered with some of the best third party organizations to provide a wide range of opportunities for you to choose from to study abroad.
It is the intent of the Study Abroad Office to help you fulfill your goals, by working with you to find a study/ intern/ volunteer abroad program that meets your needs and interests, as well as to provide you with information about the university's study abroad policies and procedures. We must remind you that studying/ interning/ volunteering abroad and, more particularly the application process will require time and hard work on your part. You will need to acquaint and familiarize yourself with how study abroad works at Morgan State University, identify and determine your goals, talk with your parents/guardians, teachers, academic advisors, career resource centers, and some of your peers who have ventured overseas, about your plans - and then see if you are up to the challenge. Be assured, that following this initial investment in time and effort, the process does usually lead to excitement, fun and fulfilling outcomes.
Remember... The World is Your Classroom!
Contact Information
Office Of Study Abroad
1700 E Cold Spring Lane
Montebello Complex, D-208
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-4027
Contact Information
Office Of Study Abroad
1700 E Cold Spring Lane
Montebello Complex, D-208
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-4027