Honors College
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Honors College?
The CIA-Honors College will recruit, retain, empower and graduate high-achieving students from Maryland and beyond. It is committed to ensuring these students have the ability to learn and grow in a supportive and academically challenging environment by facilitating opportunities to enhance their personal development, service leadership and maximize their full potential beyond the classroom, fulfilling Morgan State University’s commitment to “Growing the future, Leading the World.”
In addition to the College’s Key Pillars of Academic Excellence, Experiential Advantage and Impactful Service, the Vision and Mission of the CIA-Honors College at MSU will be informed by MSU’s Core Values as follows:
- Leadership
- Integrity
- Innovation
- Diversity
- Excellence
- Respect
Where is the Honors College Located?
The Address of the Honors college is listed below:
Clara I Adams Honors College
1700 E Cold Spring Ln, Baltimore, MD 21251
Earl Richardson Library Suite 307
What perks are associated with being in the Honors College?
Applying to the honors college offers the potential to be selected as a Martin D. Jenkins Scholar, priority registration, and a community of similarly academically focused students to grow and share ideas with. Students will also be provided with a staff that cares deeply about your success and will help when problems arise.
In Addition to that students are granted the privileges below:
- Priority Enrollment
- Extended Library Check Out Privileges
- CIA-Honors College Study Rooms
How Do I Apply?
To apply to the Clara I. Adams Honors College, students must have submitted a complete application to Morgan State University by the Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment’s posted early deadline, and have been officially admitted to the university shall be eligible to apply to the Honors College.
Once admitted to the university, students will be invited to apply to the Clara I. Adams Honors college through their email.
How do I contact the Honors College?
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to email the honors college at honorscollege@morgan.edu.
Please include your Name, Classification, Student ID and Contact Information when contacting our staff.
Please Make sure if you are admitted to the Honors College you join the Honors College Canvas Page.
What Scholarships do I qualify for?
Please see the Scholarship page for information concerning Scholarship requirements and terms.
I am a transfer student, can I apply to the honors college?
Yes! To apply to the Clara I. Adams Honors College, students must have submitted a complete application to Morgan State University by the Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment’s posted early deadline, and have been officially admitted to the university shall be eligible to apply to the Honors College.
Once admitted to the University, students will be eligible to submit an application to the Clara I. Adams Honors College. Please review the Transfer Applicant page for more information about the upcoming deadline submission.
How will my application be evaluated?
Students will be evaluated for their Academic Excellence, Experiential Advantage and Impactful Service in their community. Please see Our Pillars Page.
How do I submit proof of my attendance of Honors College Events and proof of my application to the different required programs?
Any materials that need to be submitted to the honors college should be submitted through the Honors College Canvas.
How do I stay in contact with the Honors College?
To stay in contact with the Honors College, please visit Our Team page for our contact information.
Contact Information
Clara I. Adams Honors College
Morgan State University
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Earl S. Richardson Library, Suite 307
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-3429
E: honorscollege@morgan.edu
Contact Information
Clara I. Adams Honors College
Morgan State University
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Earl S. Richardson Library, Suite 307
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-3429
E: honorscollege@morgan.edu