Music Program
Undergraduate Degree Program
The Department offers a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Degree in Music, with three separate concentrations for instrumentalists, keyboard players, and vocalists. The Music program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music.
A diagnostic entrance examination and an audition in the major performance area are required for each concentration of the degree program, and students are then advised accordingly.
A minor in music is available for those wishing to develop their musical interest as a supplement to a different major field. This consists of 18 credits selected with administrative advisement.
The Vocal Studies concentration offers a variety of performance opportunities for singers who aspire to have careers in the field of music. Learn more about the Vocal Studies concentration.
The Instrumental Studies concentration prepares graduates of our program to become music directors, educators, artists, and more. Learn more about the Instrumental Studies concentration.
The Keyboard Studies concentration has degree programs focusing on piano and organ. Learn more about the Keyboard Studies concentration.
While students who graduate with a B.A. in Music are not certified for teaching, the University offers a dual degree program whereby students may apply to the Graduate School in their junior year to obtain the Master of Teaching degree (M.A.T.).
The student who elects this option may obtain an undergraduate degree in Music and an M.A.T. degree with State of Maryland Teaching Certification in Music in as little as five years.
The Department Honors Program in Music is a complement to (and intended to be pursued during the junior and senior years after completion of) the University-wide Honors Program in the General Education Program.
The Departmental Honor program is designed to broaden the range and increase the depth of study in the major by providing opportunities for:
- developing advanced analytical and critical thinking skills specific to the discipline;
- reading extensively and intensively the seminal great books in the field;
- investigating, conducting research on and defending a topic, thesis, or project;
- laying the foundation for life-long, independent learning; and
- developing a sense of belonging in the Community of Scholars and a commitment to the advancement of knowledge.
To quality for admission to the Departmental Honors Program in Music, students must:
- have earned a minimum of 56 credits, at least 25 of which must have been earned at Morgan;
- have a cumulative average of 3.4 or higher;
- have a major average of 3.4 or higher in all required and supporting courses completed for the major; and
- file a formal application, be interviewed and be admitted to the Program by the Department.
- MUSC388 - Great WorksDirected Reading I - 2 credits
- MUSC 389 - Great Works Directed Reading II - 2 credits
- MUSC 488 - Senior Honors Thesis I - 3 credits
- MUSC 489 - Senior Honors Thesis II - 3 credits
In addition, students must, based on the research conducted in their Senior Thesis courses, write and, in April of the senior year, defend a Senior Thesis on a topic approved by the department. View the course catalog
The minor in music requires students to complete a sequence of 18 credits comprised of fourteen (14) credits of core courses and four (4) credits of electives. View the course catalog.
Contact Information
Department of Fine and Performing Arts-Music Area
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-3286
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Prospective Vocal Studies Majors
Contact Information
Department of Fine and Performing Arts-Music Area
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-3286
Not ready to apply? Join our email list.
Prospective Vocal Studies Majors