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RCMI (Community Engagement Core)

Toya Lyons

Program Administrator, RCMI (Community Engagement Core)

Office: Portage 107
Phone: (443) 885-4679


Dr.P.H. (candidate) in Public Health, Morgan State University
M.Ed. in Secondary Teach Education(Mathematics and Science Education), U.of Phoenix
B.S. in Physics, Virginia Tech

Ms. Lyons currently oversees the financialization of the research of several RCMI grant projects, pilots, and supplements in her Morgan State University portfolio. She has an extensive background in STEM Education and Business, having served in overlapping capacities in both industries.

Previous experiences impacting academia and industry before joining Morgan State University include Ms. Lyons’ excellent results as a professional educator in the Virginia Commonwealth Public School System. Additionally, Ms. Lyons provided exceptional customer service as a Software Quality Assurance Specialist at several Virginia software production companies.

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, where she majored in Physics. She also holds a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Phoenix Global Campus, where she majored in Secondary Teacher Education in Mathematics and Science Education. Ms. Lyons is currently working on her DrPH here at Morgan State University’s School of Community Health and Policy. Her passion for minority health disparities within the urban adolescent community is her primary public health motivation.