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Procurement & Property Control

General Information

Morgan State University is an agency of the State of Maryland and is required by law to regulate and control all property and equipment in its possession. State of Maryland administrative procedures require that the University capitalize and carry on its inventory all equipment that has an acquisition value of $5000 or greater (sensitive items $2500.00 or greater). Non-capital equipment is not reportable for financial reporting purposes.

To efficiently control the amount of dollars involved in the administration and control of fixed assets, equipment and departmental materials, the State and the Office of the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration recommended the following:

Department Chairpersons are the Property Officers for Fixed Assets located within their departments. They may assign responsibility to an Accountable Officer. However, the Department's Chairperson is ultimately responsible for the asset.

Administrative Departments: Department directors are the Property Officers for the equipment located within their departments. They may assign responsibility to an Accountable Officer. However, the Director is ultimately responsible.

The State provides policy and procedures that the University's President administers. He has delegated the responsibility and authority for carrying out these duties to the Director of Property Control. The department is responsible for maintaining all records regarding the acquisition, disposal, transfer, and location (building and room number) of all Morgan State University capital assets (including trade-ins, foundation, grant acquisitions, gifts and donations). In addition, Property Control is responsible for managing and ensuring that University departments conduct a complete physical inventory once a year and a sensitive item inventory every year. Accurate records must be maintained of all transactions.

Each Property/ Accountable Officer is required to maintain an accurate inventory of all property within his/ her area of responsibility, to adhere to all procedures and regulations pertaining to State/ MSU property and to cooperate with the Property Control Department in ensuring that all property is physically inventoried. Each department's Property Officer will appoint an Accountability Officer. The Accountability Officer is responsible for the department's property accountability and compliance with established procedures and acts as a liaison between the department and Property Control. The Accountability Officer handles all paperwork and maintains records for the department. All personnel within the custodial department will go to the department's Accountability Officer when they need to report stolen/missing property, or need to move, transfer, dispose, etc., of any State/ MSU property. The Accountability Officer must also notify Property Control of any property acquired through other than normal channels (MSU Purchase Order), such as construction or contractual agreements, surplus property, gifts to the school, transfers from other state agencies, and even the recovery of stolen property. This includes non-capital ($250 or greater) equipment. If the person(s) handling this assignment is newly appointed or changes, Property Control must be notified. The Property Officer and Accountability Officer will be appointed in writing.

Small Asset Tracking Form (PPCO 07 [8/01])

Same as Off-Campus Property Pass except used only with sentative equipment (Laptops, Palm Pilot, etc). Please visit the Property Control Department for this form.

The following section contains a complete set of procedures regarding the handling of State/ Morgan State University Property. Should there be any questions, call Property Control on extension 3413.

Guidelines for Disposition of Property

All transactions involving property require the submission of a properly filled out and signed Property Control Inventory Request Form (PCIR) to Property Control prior to any action being taken. The PCIR form is used only for transfer/loan (ownership to another department), disposal (Poor/Junk-damaged), surplus (Good/Fair-reusable), reporting stolen or missing, and correction of department inventory.  Please follow appropriate actions listed on PCIR form.  

  1. A complete PCIR Form is required prior to an interdepartmental inventory action. The PCIR Form may be obtained from the Property Control website site under forms or Property Control Office. The PCIR form is processed and approved through docusign. The PCIR form will be reviewed and approved through departments Property & Accountable Officers, Property Control, then forward to Physcial Plant (Movers) to schedule inventory transfer date.  
  2. The Work Control scheduler in Physical Plant (Movers) will assign a date and contact the requesting department to inform them of the date for the transfer property move. Please give consideration as to timing and allow for processing and other moves when planning and requesting your move(s).
Moves Requiring the Physical Plant Moving Crew (Property/Inventory)

To execute the moves of property and equipment, PCIR signed by the department head must be completed and sent to Property Control. Property Control will make the necessary update of the inventory record. Instructions for preparing the inventory Request Form are provided. Equipment/Inventory must not be moved until the Property Control Section approves it. Approval will not be given if all of the required information is not listed on the PCIR. This information must include the old and new location, the department(s) involved, barcode inventory control numbers, item descriptions, condition, and the authorized signatures. Incomplete forms may cause delays. Physical Plant (Movers) will determine schedule date of inventory moves with department.  

Off-Campus Repairs

When departments have individual pieces of furniture or equipment in need of repair, the following steps should be taken:

  1. In coordination with Property Control, furniture/ equipment will be picked up from the using department.
  2. The using department should determine if there is an existing contract for the repair of furniture, if so they should contact the designated vendor. If there is no contract, Procurement should be contacted.
  3. The department is responsible for notifying Property Control of where and for how long a piece of furniture or equipment will be away for repair.

NOTE: Please note that broken furniture or equipment should not be sent to the Physical Plant for repair.

Transfers Between Departments

A permanent move of equipment between departments should be reported to the Property Control Department prior to the actual transfer. A PCIR, listing the inventory barcode numbers, item descriptions, old and new locations, and the involved department(s) along with the appropriate signatures should be sent to Property Control. The Property/ Accountable Officers must sign the form prior to its submission to Property Control Department.

For more details, contact Property Control.


Because storage space is at such a premium, Property Control cannot always supply space for the storage of excess property. Departments should keep this in mind when planning to dispose of property. Prior approval for any item to be stored must be obtained from the Property Control well in advance (at least 2-4 weeks) of any deadline for removing the property from the department's premises.

Privately-Owned Property
In cases of an unforeseen situation (death), privately owned property of a current MSU employee or resident student may be temporarily stored until next-of-kin has been notified to claim the item(s).

Record retention criteria (regulated by either State and/ or Federal guidelines) will be adhered to under all circumstances. Archive files should be scanned by department before storage.  Electric copy should be kept by department and copy included with stored record retention. However, whenever possible, record storage on site will be limited to archives two (2) years of disposal date.  Any requirement for additional storage time for records on site must be approved and justified, in writing, to the Director of Procurement and Property Control.

Furniture storage at MSU storage facilities is limited to one (1) year and generally is used while renovations are in progress or while space is temporarily allocated to special use. Furniture that is left in storage for more than one (1) year will be considered abandoned and will be made available for surplus use throughout the University. Prior to release for other use, the department will be notified.

Miscellaneous Guidelines

Privately Owned Property
The University is not responsible for any privately owned property (i.e., books, clothes, computers, or radios) brought on campus and used by any member of a department. The University carries no insurance that would cover the loss of privately owned property regardless of the cause.

This property should be identified with "Do Not Inventory" labels during a physical inventory.

Classroom Furniture
Classroom furniture (i.e., tablet-arm chairs, lecterns, instructor chairs, etc.) is to remain in their respective rooms. If there is insufficient tablet-arm chairs or lecterns in a classroom, the Property/ Accountable Officer is to be contacted. He/ she will contact Property Control to make the necessary arrangements for transferring furniture.

Stolen or Missing Property
Stolen of missing property and equipment must be reported to the University Police immediately. The University Police will conduct a thorough investigation and issue a theft report. This report should include the property tag number, any serial numbers, and an accurate description of the property. The department's Accountable Officer must report the stolen inventory items to Property Control by submitting a completed PCAR. Inventory deletions of stolen or missing equipment cannot be made unless a theft report and a PCAR are generated. It is imperative that thefts and missing property be reported promptly and accurately.

University Clearance
The clearance process is a University procedure managed by Human Resources. When an individual retires, resigns or is terminated, he/ she is required to walk-thru a Clearance Process Sheet. The signing of the Clearance Process Sheet by the Property Control Department representative informs Human Resources that the person has returned all required State property.

Forms Availability
The Property Control Department maintains forms that are of general usage by the University Community. Visit the Property Control Department for these printed forms.

Specific departmental forms must be ordered from the University Print Shop. Before seeking outside printers, all departments are required to contact the University Print Shop first.

Trade-In of Property

The trade-in of equipment is prohibited without prior approval of the Department of General Services. To trade in property or equipment, list a full description of the property or equipment to be traded in, with tag number(s) and serial number(s), if any, on the Purchase Requisition and the PCAR. Forward the PCAR and a photocopy of the Purchase Requisition to Property Control. A photocopy of the PCAR should be sent to the Procurement Office with the original requisition. A copy of the Purchase order listing the equipment to be traded in will be sent to the requesting department by Procurement. Property Control will request authorization from the Department of General Services to trade-in the equipment by creating and submitting an excess Property Declaration (DGS Form 950-9). Once written approval from DGS has been received, the trade-in equipment will be deleted from the department's inventory. Without this approval, equipment cannot be traded-in.

Procedures for Receiving Property

Purchase of New Equipment (except data/ word processing)
Any property with a value of $500 must be either physically tagged or engraved. Property Control will do this on a scheduled basis. All audio-visual and/or data processing equipment requiring engraving must be fully tested and approved for acceptance by the assigned department prior to actually being engraved. Defective equipment that has been engraved generally cannot be returned for credit. Please allow time for testing and engraving in any plans for acquiring equipment.

Gifts and Donations
Gifts do not become University property until receipt of an official acceptance letter by the President. After this is obtained, Finance and Management will notify the Property Control Department in writing of acceptance. Gifts left at the University prior to acceptance approval must be reported to Property Control as being "on loan". The tagging, engraving and inventorying of accepted gifts will be handled through Property Control.

  1. Donors will correspond with the department that is being offered the gift providing the value and appropriate descriptive information. Values indicated must be supported with evidence of the method used to determine the value (appraisal, purchase price, etc.).
  2. The department head, with the concurrence of their Vice President, will write a letter to the President describing how the gift will benefit the University and requesting that the gift be accepted. Included with this letter should be a draft of a letter of acceptance and thanks to the donor for the President's signature.
  3. If in agreement, the President will send the letter to the donor with copies to the Vice President for Finance and Management (VPFM) and the appropriate Vice President.
  4. For donations of equipment, the VPFM will follow up relative to inventory and other related requirements, e.g., arranging to receive the donation.
  5. For monetary donations, the VPFM will assure that deposits are made to the appropriate account(s) and provide related information to the parties concerned.

Surplus Property Purchases
In order to purchase property from the Maryland State Agency for Surplus Property, and authorization card must be obtained, in advance, from the Procurement Department. Upon return of the card to Procurement, a list containing make, model, serial number, price, location, and contact person must be submitted to Procurement. At the same time, arrangements for the tagger/engraver of qualified equipment can be made with the Inventory Control Department. Failure to provide such a listing can result in a suspension of a department's card privileges.

Loaned Equipment
Any equipment on loan to the University from a non-State agency for official use should be reported immediately to Property Control. The University carries no insurance that would cover the loss of loaned equipment. Any losses would be the responsibility of the using department. This should be kept in mind when accepting loan equipment.

If a department wishes to temporarily loan any equipment (e.g., typewriter, calculator, etc.) to another department, it is the responsibility of the department to complete a PCAR, which indicates the description of equipment loaned, termination date of the loan, and the department to which it was loaned. The completed form must be sent to Property Control with the Department Head or Property/ Accountable Officers signatures for both the lending department and the receiving departments; department property records may then be updated to reflect the loan. Responsibility and accountability of such property rests with the lending department. When the equipment is returned to the lending department, the Department Head (or Property/ Accountable Officers) must advise Property Control of the building and room number in which the equipment is now located so that the property records can be updated.

Excess Property
Excess Property may only be turned-in by Accountable Officers that are authorized to use the EPCN (Excess Property Control Network) Process. All departments must contact their Property/ Accountable Officer when there is excess property to be disposed of before notifying the Property Control Office. Authorized Property/ Accountable Officers have attended a training session conducted by the Property Control Office and have been given a State of Maryland authorization number.

If you are a Property/ Accountable Officer and have not attended an EPCN class, contact the Property Control Office, extension 3114. Property Control will inform you when the next training class is scheduled or provide a one-on-one training session for you.

The Excess Property Control Network (EPCN) is the only authorized process for disposing of excess State/ University Fixed Assets. The State has made this reporting system mandatory.

Word/ Data Processing Equipment
The purchasing of new DP equipment should be coordinated through Information Services. Once delivered, an inspection and testing must be done prior to the equipment being tagged and/or engraved. After this tagging/ engraving has been completed, the equipment can be delivered to its user. The pre-acceptance testing will prevent the engraving of incorrect, damaged, or defective equipment, which could prevent returning it to the vendor.

Purchasing Card Users Procedures
When using the Purchasing Card Menu screens, cardholders will input departmental responsibility for equipment and fixed assets purchased by selecting the appropriate department (where the items will be housed) from a drop down window. Correct entries should also be made for the Contact Person and the Building and Room on the same screen. For inventory purposes, equipment and furniture that costs over $500 or sensitive items that costs over $250 (i.e. computers, servers, laptops, palm pilots and weapons) are recorded here.

Security of Equipment

Small office machines such as typewriters, calculators, tape recorders, etc., are more susceptible to theft than other types of equipment. Departments are reminded that security devices are available to help prevent thefts of some of these items. Keys to these security devices must be properly protected. Where practical, unsecured small items should be placed in locked cabinets at the end of each working day. During absences from the office, doors should be closed and locked. It is the ultimate responsibility of the department head to insure adequate security measures are in place.

Stop Tags are theft deterrent labels used nationally by government and civil institutions. It is the product of choice at Morgan State University for computers, copiers, and other pilferable equipment. Persons interested in the STOP Tag product and how it works should contact the Property Control Department at extension 3114.

Identification of Property

Tagged Items
Any Fixed Asset (item $500 or greater) or sensitive item ($250 or greater) will be tagged with an adhesive barcode label. This label will carry a unique identification number and barcode along with the words "Property of the State of Maryland, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY". Under no circumstances should this tag be mutilated or removed. Property and equipment, which is considered as non-capital, will not be tagged with a barcode label; however, it will be tagged with a label identifying it as "Property of the State of Maryland, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY".

Non-Tagged Items
Certain property, while meeting the $500 limit, by its very nature or the circumstances of its use cannot be tagged. In these cases a "Property of the State of Maryland, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY" property tag label will mark the item. In cases such as this, the item's serial number, if applicable, will be recorded. This serial number should be listed in all correspondences. Certain other property such as a musical instrument or an anatomical model, which cannot be tagged, will likewise be carried on the computerized inventory data system and where possible will be engraved with the words "Property of the State of Maryland, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY" and the tag number.

Grant Property
Grant Property purchase orders will have budget account codes beginning with the numbers 4 or 5, which is assigned and/or approved by General Accounting. The Principal Investigator must notify Property Control of Grant Property acquired.

Engraved Items
Property Control personnel will engrave certain items with the corresponding State of Maryland, MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY property tag number. This number should be referenced in all correspondence regarding the item. In no case should this number be removed or defaced without prior permission from the Inventory Control Section.

Foundation - Supported Departments
In order to ensure proper inventory control and proper labeling, all property and equipment purchased with funds from the Morgan State University Foundation must be received in the Washington Service Center. In addition, departments are not permitted to pick up items from a vendor.

Receiving Equipment

All goods purchased via a Purchase Order by the Procurement Department are centrally received at the Washington Service Center Receiving Section. All deliveries and returns must be processed through the Property Control Department. If vendors make Purchase Order deliveries directly to departments, the departments should redirect the delivery to the Washington Service Center's Receiving Section. Prepaid magazines, subscriptions and special items will be shipped directly to the department.

A receiving report is made for each item received by the Receiving Section. The receiving report is used to ensure items are paid for in a timely manner. It is necessary to have a receiving report properly prepared, verified, and submitted to Accounts Payable within 24 hours of receipt of goods. The receiving clerk is responsible for the completion of that receiving report. Additionally, it is within the Receiving Section that items to be tagged as Fixed Assets are identified, recorded, and tagged.

Overages, Shortages and Damages
All items delivered to the Receiving Section are to be opened and inspected within 24 hours of delivery. Items received are to be compared with the University's Purchase Order for conformance and also for general condition of items. If items conform to the Purchase Order and are in good condition, they are delivered to the department.

Upon receipt of items, the requestor is urged to immediately check the contents of shipments for conformity with the packing slips. If there is a shortage, overage, damage and/or incorrect item, the Receiving Section should be notified immediately.

Returns to Vendors
Note: No shipments will be returned without approval of Procurement. Procurement is responsible for all adjustments with suppliers and claims against carriers.

Departments are asked not to return items purchased through Procurement directly to vendors, but rather through the Procurement Department. Adherence to this procedure will permit the Procurement Department to properly document returned goods, and assures credit to the appropriate accounts. The following procedures are used to return an item to a vendor:

  1. Complete a "Return to Vendor" form and forward it to the Procurement Department.
  2. The Procurement Department will conduct the necessary coordination with the vendor and carrier (UPS, FedEx, etc.). The Department returning the item(s) will be responsible for the shipping costs if the item(s) is to be returned due to the fault of the University. The vendor is responsible for shipping costs if the item(s) is returned due to no fault of the University.
  3. The Procurement Department will coordinate with Accounts Payable so that the payment process can be addressed.
  4. The Procurement Department will coordinate with Property Control to pick up the item(s) to be returned.
  5. Your department must complete the repackaging of the item(s) as needed and have it available for pickup. Note: Damaged and/or non-conforming items are to be noted in the comment section of the Receiving Report.

Items that are initially inspected in the Receiving Section and are found to be damaged or they do not conform to the Purchase Order specifications will not be accepted. The requesting department will be notified. The goods are held in the Receiving Section and the Procurement Department will be notified immediately. Procurement will make the necessary vendor contacts and advise the Receiving Section of the disposition of the damaged/ non-conforming goods (i.e. mail back to vendor, hold for vendor pick-up, etc.). The Procurement Department will confirm all vendor contacts in writing.