Office of the Comptroller
Working Fund
The Working Fund is administered to provide limited payments for small emergency purchases, research funds, travel expenses and salary advances to employees who did not receive their paycheck in a timely manner. This function is located in the Tyler Hall Building Room 407C. All Working Fund disbursements are processed based on the availability of funds.
Emergency Purchases
Purchases of this nature are reserved for rare occasions in which circumstances could significantly affect the daily operation of the University, if the purchase is not made. All emergency purchase requests are evaluated on a case by case basis and must be made on the 'Morgan State University Request for Emergency Disbursement' form. Emergency disbursements will only be considered if the vendor will not accept a purchase order or purchasing card.
Research Funds
This section provides guidance for the authorization, establishment and replenishment of Working Fund Research Funds including appropriate uses and security standards. These funds may be used for small-dollar amount vendor payments and/ or incentive payments to complete research surveys with the approval of the principle investigator. Each individual, school, and department who requests and/or administers Working Fund cash advances should review and understand his/ her custodial responsibilities for managing the research funds. Review the MSU Working Fund Research Custodian Agreement for additional information. To request research advance funds use the following forms provided below.
Salary Advances
Please contact the Payroll Office regarding qualifications for salary advances. Once a salary advance is approved, the Working Fund staff will notify the recipient (employee) when the advance check will be available on the 2nd floor of Tyler Hall at the Bursar's cashier window. On most occasions, salary advances are deducted from the employee's payroll check. If the salary advance was not deducted from the paycheck, the employee will be contacted for repayment arrangements. The Payroll department can be contacted at 443-885-3026 or email at
Contact Information
Office of the Comptroller
Morgan State University
Tyler Hall, 4th Floor
1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-3045
Contact Information
Office of the Comptroller
Morgan State University
Tyler Hall, 4th Floor
1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: 443-885-3045