Civil Engineering
Dr. Zhuping Sheng
Office: Center for Built Environment and Infrastructure Studies (CBEIS), Room 313
Phone: 443-885-2243
Dr. Zhuping Sheng is a professor at Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland. He is a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.), certified Professional Hydrologist, and Fellow of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He had 40 years of research and practice experience in water resources engineering and geomechanics. He directs research programs and provides leadership with support by federal and state agencies and regional organizations in
- advancing knowledge in hydrological processes, aquifer mechanics, and stainable management of transboundary water resources,
- conducting interdisciplinary research on managed aquifer recharge, desired future conditions of aquifers, and advanced numerical model simulations of flow and solute transport, and
- promoting integrated water resources management and geohazards reduction (land subsidence, earth fissure, landslides, flood, etc.).
Dr. Sheng has served many roles in professional societies, such as ASCE, American Water Resources Association (AWRA) and American Institute of Hydrology (AIH), chairing committees, organizing symposia, specialty conferences and technical sessions, and developing standard guidelines. Before joining MSU, he has worked as faculty for 20 years and Center Director at Texas A&M University- AgriLife Research Center, Hydrogeologist at El Paso Water Utilities, Research Associate at Nevada Bureau of Mines, and Geoscientist for the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Doctoral degree from the University of Nevada, Reno USA, his M. Sci. degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, and his B. Eng. degree from Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
Dr. Sheng's research interests include:
- Hydrological processes and dynmaics of water systems: river aquifier and watershed.
- Assessment and mitigation of geological hazards: land subsidence, earth fissures, landslides, and floods.
- Innovative approaches and tools for integrated water resources management (IWRM) and sustainable development: managed aquifer recharge (MAR), linked hydro-economic models, and database and spatial analysis in water resource management and geohazard mitigation.
Department Contact Information
Administrative Assistant:
Nikara Williams
Interim Department Chair:
Dr. James Hunter
Department Contact Information
Administrative Assistant:
Nikara Williams
Interim Department Chair:
Dr. James Hunter