Center for Continuing and Professional Studies
Morgan State University's Center for Continuing and Professional Studies (CCPS) offers Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Professional Development Hours (PDHs). The CEU and PDH are uniform units of measurement to record participation in non-credit, academic, professional development and training programs. CCPS is the authorized unit at the University responsible for awarding, administering, and reviewing CEUs/PDHs procedures to ensure compliance with established criteria.
American Contract Compliance Association (ACCA)
ACCA is a non-profit national organization dedicated to ensuring equitable employment and contracting practices with public and private sector institutions. The primary focus of ACCA includes training for its participants to empower them to combat disparities in the field and to remove barriers and obstacles of economic diversity.
Morgan State University, School of Social Work
A major goal of the School of Social Work is to expand and strengthen professional knowledge and skills that are extremely valuable for working within urban communities. CCPS works with the School of Social Work to offer CEUs for workshops and conferences for Field Supervisors, Social Work/Mental Health Practitioners, and faculty. This partnership also involves providing CEUs for the Continuing Education and Professional Development Program (CEDP).
Career Communications Group, Inc.
In partnership with Career Communications Group, Inc., CCPS provides opportunities for participants to obtain CEUs/PDHs by attending conferences such as, the Black Engineers of the Year and Women of Color conferences.
Morgan State University, School of Engineering, Teacher Transportation Institute
The Teacher Transportation Training Institute prepares educators to teach STEM skills to high school students and encourages them to pursue careers in transportation or related fields. This partnership with the School of Engineering also sponsors several meetings, workshops, and institutes that support the professional development of Baltimore City teachers.
The partnership agreement between Blacks in Government (BIG) and Morgan State University (MSU) is designed to create a certification process leading to the awarding of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to each Darlene H. Young Leadership Academy (DYLA) participant. This partnership recognizes Morgan State University's Center for Continuing and Professional Studies (CCPS) capacity to issue CEUs. CCPS hosts a three-day orientation session at the beginning of each Leadership Training Academy on Morgan's campus. The Academy culminates with a graduation ceremony at BIG's National Training Institute for those participants who successfully complete the eight months of intense course work.
Summer Transportation Institute
Morgan's Summer Transportation Institute (STI) is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Civil Rights and the Maryland State Highway Administration. The Summer Transportation Institute is a free program designed to encourage high school students to pursue careers in transportation. The institute introduces participants to the many career opportunities available in the transportation industry.
International Foundation for Telemetering (IFT)
The International Foundation for Telemetering (IFT) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the professional and technical interests of the “Telemetering Community.” The basic purpose of the IFT is the promotion and stimulation of technical growth in telemetering and its allied arts and sciences. This is accomplished through sponsorship of technical forums, educational activities, and technical publications. The Foundation endeavors to promote unity in the “Telemetering Community” it serves, as well as ethical conduct and more effective effort among practicing professionals in the field. The IFT sponsors the annual International Telemetering Conference (ITC).
If you wish CCPS to provide CEUs/PDHs for your organization please fill out the form below:
CEU/Professional Development Hours Application
For more information contact:
Phone Number: 443-885-3155