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School of Social Work

Dana Burdnell Wilson

Dr. Dana Burdnell Wilson

Chair, Associate Professor, MSW Department, School of Social Work

Office: Health and Human Services Center, Room 527
Phone: 443-885-4376

Curriculum Vitae


PhD, Morgan State University
MSW, University of Maryland
BSW, Ohio University

Biographical SketchDr. Dana Burdnell Wilson is an Associate Professor of Social Work and Interim Chair of the MSW Department at the Morgan State University School of Social Work in Baltimore, MD, teaching social welfare policy and social work research in the MSW Department. Dr. Wilson is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Prose Award-winning journal, Urban Social Work, a Springer Publication.Dr. Wilson served as a social worker, community organizer, manager, and administrator in the public social service system in the State of Maryland, then moved to the Child Welfare League of America, serving in progressively responsible positions including kinship care and cultural competence program director, and vice president for professional development and publications. She remains involved, with the CWLA Compendium of Child Welfare Policy and Practice Advisory Council, and the Anti-Racism and Equity Committee.Dr. Wilson's research interests include child welfare leadership development, and strength-based, equity-based approaches to urban social work.Professional/Research InterestsLeadership in Child Welfare Programs and Policy; Foster Care Alumni Empowerment; Women of Color in Social Work Leadership; Mentorship for Women in the AcademyRecent PublicationsBook ChaptersWilson, D.B. (2020). Reflections on kinship care as family preservation. In M. Testa, R.B. Hill, & C. Ingram (Eds.), Reflections on kinship care: Learning from the past, implications for the future. Washington, DC: CWLA Press.Simpson, G., Smith, B., & Wilson, D. B. (2016). An ecological framework to understand grandparent caregiving in urban communities. In R. Wells-Wilbon, A. McPhatter, & V. Vakalahi (Eds.), Social work practice with African Americans in urban environments. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.Marshall, I., Smith, B., & Wilson, D. B. (2016). Immigrant families in urban communities. In R. Wells-Wilbon, A. McPhatter, & V. Vakalahi (Eds.), Social work practice with African Americans in urban environments. New York, NY: Springer Publishing
Articles Published in Refereed JournalsWilson, D.B, Solomon, T.A., & McLane-Davison, E. (2020). Ethics and racial equity in social welfare policy: Social work's response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Social Work in Public Health, 35:7, 617-632. DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2020.1808145.Wilson, D.B., Darrell, L., & Rhodes, D.A. (2020). Autumn Divas: Women of color who achieved doctorate degrees after age 50. Urban Social Work, 4, (2).Wilson, D.B. (2019). Youth in transition and foster care alumni as empowered consumers. Journal of Family Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/10522158.2019.1681335Wilson, D. B., Darrell, L., & Rhodes, D. (2019). Reflections of two women of color who achieved doctorates after age 50. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 24, 4.Smith, B., Wilson, D. B., Lane, T. Y., Harry, S. V., & Marshall, I. Jr. (2015). Persistence, motivation, and resilience: Older youth aging out of foster care attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Journal of Family Strengths, 15(1), 2.McPhatter, A., & Wilson, D. B. (2015). Cultural competence: Is it still important? How culturally competent social workers could transform child welfare. Culturally Responsive Child Welfare Practice (CW360), Winter, 2015, 10.Banigo, Diari and Wilson, Dana Burdnell (2013). The Multi-Ethnic Placement Act and Inter-Ethnic Placement Provisions Must Be Revisited and Revised. Social Policy, 43, 4, 28-31.Editor of Scholarly PublicationsCo-Editor-in-Chief of Urban Social Work, a refereed journal published collaboratively by the Morgan State University School of Social Work and the Lehman College Department of Social Work. Recipient of the Prose Award, Springer Publishing, 2017 - Present. Co-author of seven Editorials 2017 - 2020.Co-Editor, Special Issue on University/Community Collaborations: Past, Present, and Future. The Children's Voice, published by Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), 2020.