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Capital Markets Lab

George Micheni

George Micheni

Director, Capital Markets Lab

Office: GSBM 606
Phone: 443-885-2263


M.S. - Advanced Computing, Morgan State University - Baltimore, MD, 2025

M.S. - Project Management, Morgan State University - Baltmore, MD, 2017

B.S. - Finance, Kenyatta University - Nairobi, Kenya, 2014


As the Director of the Capital Markets Lab at Morgan State University (MSU), George Micheni analyzes the U.S. capital markets using the Bloomberg Terminal, a powerful tool for data analysis and market insights. He also leads and supports financial research projects, such as Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Stock Market Prediction, where he applied machine learning models to forecast the stock prices of NASDAQ: AAPL, MSFT, and MU in the summer of 2023.

George has a Finance and Project Management background and he joined MSU in 2018, after working as a Project Manager at Edwards Performance Solutions, a federal consulting firm in Maryland. He is the advisor to the MSU Investment Club, is passionate about innovation, change, and growth in the fintech industry, and provides mentorship on investment strategies. George is a skilled and experienced data analyst, business analyst, and big data specialist, who values collaboration, learning, and excellence.

Research Interests:

  • A combined approach based on machine learning and time series analysis for predicting credit card default scenarios.