Department of Political Science & International Studies
The Department of Political Science and Public Policy offers the Bachelor of Arts degree.
- POSC 101: Introduction to Political Science - 3 credits
- POSC 201: American National Government - 3 credits
- POSC 307: Scopes and Methods of Political Science - 3 credits
- POSC 314: Comparative Government - 3 credits
- POSC 385: International Relations - 3 credits
- POSC 402: Political Theory - 3 credits
- POSC 450: Senior Seminar** - 3 credits
- POSC XXX: 300-400 level Political Science elective - 3 credits
- POSC XXX: 300-400 level Political Science elective - 3 credits
- ECON 211- Principles of Economics I - 3 credits
- ECON 212: Principles of Economics II - 3 credits
- HIST 105: History of the United States I - 3 credits
- HIST 106: History of the United States II - 3 credits
- XXX - Foreign Language Sequence - 3 credits
- XXX - Foreign Language Sequence - 3 credits (same foreign language as above)
- POSC XXX: Comparative Government Elective - 3 credits
- POSC XXX: International Relations Elective - 3 credits
- POSC XXX: American Government and Politics Elective - 3 credits
** A student must complete POSC 101, 201, 307, 314, 385, and 402 before taking POSC 450
Choose One:
- POSC 315 - Comparative Politics Ideologies - 3 credits
- POSC 316 - Politics of Developing Nations - 3 credits
- POSC 321 - Government and Politics in Asia - 3 credits
- POSC 350 - Government and Politics in Modern China - 3 credits
- POSC 352 - Government and Politics in Japan -3 credits
- POSC 354 - Government and Politics in Korea - 3 credits
- POSC 360 - Government and Politics of the European Union - 3 credits
- POSC 380 - The Middle East in Transition - 3 credits
- POSC 383 - Contemporary Africa - 3 credits
Choose One:
- POSC 331 - American Foreign Policy - 3 credits
- POSC 342 - Current International Problems - 3 credits
- POSC 405 - International Law - 3 credits
- POSC 407 - International Organizations - 3 credits
- POSC 463 - International Political Economy - 3 credits
- POSC 412 - Global Justice - 3 credits
- POSC 409 - Independent Study in International Studies - 3 credits
- POSC 202 - Problems of Federal Government - 3 credits
- POSC 206 - Black Politics in America - 3 credits
- POSC 301 - Political Parties - 3 credits
- POSC 304 - The Supreme Court and Civil Rights - 3 credits
- POSC 305 - The Politics of State and Local Governments - 3 credits
- POSC 312 - Metropolitan Area Inter-Government Relations - 3 credits
- POSC 313 - Political Development in Urban Communities - 3 credits
- POSC 317 - Public Policy and Legislative Process - 3 credits
- POSC 318 - Race, Class, Gender and Criminal Justice - 3 credits
- POSC 319 - Immigration and Refugee Law - 3 credits
- POSC 320 - The Presidency - 3 credits
- POSC 391 - Public Service Internship - 5 credits
- POSC 401 - Public Administration - 3 credits
- PSOC 403 - Black Political Thought - 3 credits
- POSC 415 - American Constitutional Law - 3 credits
- POSC 416 - Race and Public Law - 3 credits
- POSC 420 - Politics of Health, Education and Welfare - 3 credits
Political Science Major—Pre-Law Track
Political Science Requirements – 24 credits
- POSC 101 Intro. to Political Science – 3 credits
- POSC 201 American National Govt. – 3 credits
- POSC 307 Scopes and Methods – 3 credits
- POSC 318 Race, Class, Gender and Criminal Justice - 3 credits
- POSC 385 International Relations – 3 credits
- POSC 391 Public Internship – 5 credits
- POSC 402 Political Theory – 3 credits
- POSC 450 Senior Seminar – 3 credits
In addition, students following the Pre-Law Track must
complete the following two courses in order to satisfy
the Liberal Arts Core (LAC) Requirement:
- LATN 101 Elementary Latin I - 3 credits
- LATN 102 Elementary Latin II - 3 credits
In addition to the 71 credits in Political Science, students must also fulfill 43 credits in General Education and 6 credits in the Liberal Arts Core:
- ENGL 101 - Freshman Composition I - 3 credits - EC
- ENGL 102 - Freshman Composition II - 3 credits - EC
- XXXX - MQ General Education Req. - 4 credits MQ
- XXXX - HH General Education Req. - 3 credits HH
- XXXX - IM General Ecuation Req. - 3 credits IM
- XXXX - BP General Education Req. - 4 credits with lab BP
- XXXX - BP General Education Req. - 3 credits no lab req. BP
- XXXX - SB General Education Req. - 3 credits SB
- XXXX - SB General Education Req. - 3 credits SB
- XXXX - AH General Education Req. - 3 credits AH
- XXXX - AH General Education Req. - 3 credits AH
- XXXX - CT General Education Req. - 3 credits CT
- XXXX - CT General Education Req. - 3 credits CT
- ORLA 101 - Freshman Orientation for Liberal Arts Majors and Undeclared Majors - 1 credit
- XXXX - Phys. Activity or FIN 101 or MIND 101 - 1 credit
** Please see the Catalog for courses that satisfy the General Education requirements
** Lease see the Catalog for courses that satisfy the Liberal Arts Core.
The Departmental Honors Program in Political
Science is a complement to—and is intended to be
pursued during the junior and senior years after
completion of— the University-wide Honors Program
in the General Education Program.
Program Requirements
- POSC 388 Great Books - Directed Reading I - 2 credits
- POSC 389 Great Books - Directed Reading II - 2 credits
- POSC 488 Senior Honors Thesis I - 3 credits
- POSC 489 Senior Honors Thesis II - 3 credits
In addition, students must, based on the research conducted in their Senior Thesis courses, write and in April of the senior year, defend a Senior Thesis on a topic approved by the department.
The Department offers a Minor in Political Science:
MINORS: Students minoring in Political Science must complete the following required courses with a grade of "C" or better: POSC 101: Introduction to Political Science 3
- POSC 201: American National Government 3
- POSC 307: Scope and Methods of Political Science
- POSC XXX: Political Science Elective* 3
- POSC XXX: Political Science Elective* 3
- POSC XXX: Political Science Elective* 3
The Department of Political Science offers public service internships to all interested sophomore, junior and senior political science majors. These internships permit students to work with the Courts; legislators of the General Assembly; Baltimore City Council; Juvenile Services Department; other state, local and federal agencies; and non-profit organizations. Students may receive a stipend, as well as earn either three or five credits, while working a minimum of 15 hours per week at their placement.
It is recommended that students participate in at least one internship opportunity.
Contact Information
Department of Political Science & International Affairs
Morgan State University
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: (443) 885-3277
F: (443) 885-8230
Contact Information
Department of Political Science & International Affairs
Morgan State University
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21251
P: (443) 885-3277
F: (443) 885-8230