Morgan Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center
About the Morgan State University Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center
The mission of this Center is to address disparities in business ownership rates and entrepreneurial success among people of color through research and expanded awareness and access to entrepreneurship education, experiences, and opportunities.
Generally, entrepreneurial activity has been declining in the United States as outlined in the 2017 Kauffman Index of Startup Activity.[1] People of color and women face more significant and more persistent barriers to starting a firm.[2] Minorities own half as many businesses as non-minorities do and minority businesses tend to start and stay smaller.[3] Between 1996 and 2016, Latinos and Asians have grown significantly as a percentage of total new entrepreneurs, while Blacks have grown by one percentage point.[4]
Women are half as likely as men to own employer businesses[5] and the gender gap has increased from 1996 to 2016 with women now representing less than 40% of new entrepreneurs.[6] Adults without formal education (e.g., a high school or college degree) are much less likely to start a new venture.[7] College graduates now account for the largest percentage of new entrepreneurs.[8]
The lack of education, experience, and access to capital are significant barriers to entrepreneurial endeavors for people of color and women.[9]
The Center is a resource for disadvantaged people of color and women who want to become more effective innovators and entrepreneurs. Through research, degrees (e.g, majors, minors, concentrations; BS, MS, PhD), courses, programs, events, conferences, and resources this Center offers a path to increase their odds of success in entrepreneurial endeavors.
About the Howard University & PNC National Center for Entrepreneurship
The National Center is a source of expertise and resources for Black innovation and entrepreneurship. The Center promotes and supports regional centers of excellence related to Black innovation & entrepreneurship at HBCUs across the country. The Center promotes and supports the sharing of entrepreneurship expertise, best practices, research, resources, programs, and activities across HBCUs for the purpose of supporting and growing Black innovation and entrepreneurship across the Black community (on and off campuses). The Center is located on Howard University's campus, and includes partnerships with three other HBCUs: Morgan State University, Clark Atlanta University, and Texas Southern University.
[1] Fairlie, R., Morelix, A., & Tareque, I. (2017). 2017 Kauffman index of startup activity.
[2] Hwang, V. (2019). Entrepreneurial ecosystem building playbook 3.0. Kauffman Foundation. Retrieved April 1 from
[3] Morelix, A., Hwang, V., & Tareque, I. S. (2017). Zero barriers: Three mega trends shaping the future of entrepreneurship (State of entrpereneurship 2017, Issue.
[4] See #1 above.
[5] See #3 above.
[6] See #1 above.
[7] See #3 above
[8] See #1 above
[9] See #1, plus: Fairlie, R. W., & Robb, A. M. (2008). Race and entrepreneurial success. MIT Press., and Robb, A. M., & Fairlie, R. W. (2006). Access to financial capital among U.S. businesses: The case of African-American firms.