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Department of Economics

Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Program in Economics

The Department of Economics offers the B.A. and the B.S. degrees in Economics as well as a minor. Both the B.A. and the B.S. prepare students for entry into the workplace or graduate school.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Economics

Students pursuing the B.A. in Economics are required to augment their economics coursework with a sequence of language courses. This degree option is designed to provide students with the analytical tools and economics knowledge to excel in any area of economics. This option is equivalent to a “General” track in Economics and is often chosen by those that do not plan to utilize the more quantitative aspects of an economics degree in their future. Students are required to take intermediate micro- and macroeconomics, statistics, econometrics, as well as a capstone research course.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Students pursuing the B.S. in Economics are required to augment their economics coursework with a sequence of math courses (typically a sequence in Calculus). This degree option is designed to provide students with an added quantitative background to excel particularly in pursuit of graduate work or more quantitative fields of employment such as finance. Students are required to take intermediate micro- and macroeconomics, statistics, econometrics, as well as a capstone research course.

Minor in Economics

The Minor in Economics is available to any student regardless of declared major. The minor is designed to provide students with a knowledge of economics that can augment their degree and thus broaden their post-graduate options. Students are exposed to the core sequence, intermediate micro- and macroeconomics, as well as elective courses in economics. The minor in economics is an excellent way to gain exposure to economics and business concepts to greatly enhance post-graduate opportunities.