On-Campus Interviews
Imagine getting hired for your "Dream" job and never leaving Morgan's campus. Participate in Morgan's On-Campus Interview Program and Let's Turn your Dream Job into a Reality.
It is a well-recognized fact that students who have experience related to their field/discipline are more marketable upon graduation. At Morgan State University, students are advised early on about the importance of gaining hands-on experience to gain a competitive edge. Morgan students realize that related work experience is an essential component of their career preparation. The CCD staff encourages all students to incorporate experiential learning into their academic plans. Students are provided resources to access career opportunities including internships in private and non-profit organizations. Paid and unpaid career-related opportunities are available throughout the academic year and during the summer to undergraduates and graduate students.
Recruiters representing organizations and graduate/professional schools also visit campus from mid-October to December and from February to May to conduct interviews for candidates. All interview schedules and application instructions are posted in Handshake. Interviews are conducted virtually and in person. In-person interviews are conducted in the Center for Career Development's Interview suites located in Tyler Hall, Suite 307.
Students who are scheduled for virtual interviews may utilize a Virtual Interview Room (for privacy & quiet space). Please contact the Center for Career Development to reserve a Virtual Interview Room, 443-885-3110.
Information Tables
Many employers will visit campus prior to their on-campus interview to interact with MSU students. This allows interested students an opportunity to interact directly with the recruiter to learn more about the organization, the culture, and the available career opportunities. These events are labeled "Information Tables" and you can find dates and locations posted in Handshake.
Contact Information
Morgan State University
Tyler Hall, Suite 307
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
Phone: 443-885-3110
Email: careers@morgan.edu
Contact Information
Morgan State University
Tyler Hall, Suite 307
1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
Phone: 443-885-3110
Email: careers@morgan.edu