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Beyond Financial Aid


Welcome to the BEYOND FINANCIAL AID Database Hub

Many students encounter an array of personal hardships as they matriculate. Whether there's a need for transportation, public assistance, veteran’s services, health concerns, food services or other social needs, circumstances often arise that can’t be addressed via traditional financial aid. The focus of BFA is to promote a positive, relentless determination to succeed! We know that times may be tough, but Bears are tougher! Bears are unstoppable, Bears know it’s achievable!

The Lumina Foundation introduced Beyond Financial Aid to support post-secondary institutions with the retention and completion of low-income students. This Hub is designed to readily provide Morganites with access to community, regional, and state sponsored resources, programs, and offices which they may find useful in providing supplemental financial and social support in an array of areas which go beyond the norms of financial aid!

Why BFA? Three Guiding Principles:

  • A large and growing number of postsecondary students face the challenges created by limited resources.
  • When institutions structure and offer all types of financial aid (including non-traditional supports) in a coherent and consumable way, students will persist longer and graduate at higher rates.
  • Providing these supports in an intentional way is not an impossible dream.