Master's in Architecture
Student Research

Topics in Water Management from Around the World
One way to learn about complex water issues is to look at a single domain in which water is collected, transported, consumed, and disposed. One such case is the state of Israel, perceived by some to be at the forefront of national integrated water management practices. Israel's compact geography and small population affords scholars a manageable example in which to study all phases of the water supply/consumption cycle. The course "Water Management, Treatment, and Environmental Design in Israel and its Neighbors" situated Israel's progress in conservation, water treatment, irrigation, desalination, and regional water management within the context of its history, politics, planning, and development. Subsequently, students were encouraged to identify water-related issues in other countries or cultures and to compare them with Israel's. Among the course requirements was for each student to assemble her or his findings and to present them in poster form.
California's Water Management: Infrastructure, Usage, and Sources
- Richard Allen (ARCH)
Governance: Water Resources & Management in Nigeria
- Graclyn Anomnachi (AREN)
Water and Purification: "Cleansing" in Various Belief Systems
- David Bloch (ARCH)
Desalination: Utilized in Algeria and Israel
- Caleb Cooke (AREN)
Egypt: New Cairo and Water Resources
- Jeremiah Ekoja (ARCH)
Water Transfer Projects Across the Globe (Case Study): Sao Fransciso Water to the Arid Northeast of Brazil
- Jessica Freitas (ARCH)
Development In Greenland's Water Management
- Mark Jacoby (AREN)
Canal Istanbul: Artificial Seaway in Istanbul
- Aleyna Kaymak (AREN)
Lead Contamination: Baltimore's Drinking Water
- Kaelin Keyes-Moten (CEGR)
History of Drinking Water: The Discovery of Chlorination
- Robin Lazio (AREN)
Bioretention Systems & Stormwater Management
- Daniella Nkrumah-Boateng (CEGR)
Floodable Wetlands
- Alex Wong (ARCH)