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MLK at Morgan Office of the President

President Wilson's MLK Message

by Morgan State U
January 16, 2023
Dear Morgan Community,

Though Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was actually born on January 15, 1929, the nation has set aside the third Monday in January each year to honor his monumental impact on society and preserve his legacy for generations to come. Today is that day for us!

For the last 38 years, the Howard L. Cornish Alumni Chapter has gathered on the Saturday preceding his birthday to sponsor a memorial scholarship breakfast. For the past several years, that breakfast has been held in the Tyler Ballroom in the Student Center with sold-out audiences, raising nearly $1 million in scholarships for Morgan students. In that tradition, we assembled here on our National Treasure campus this past Saturday for the time-honored event with Ms. Dena Freeman-Patton, vice president and director of Intercollegiate Athletics, as keynote speaker. We are most grateful to our alumni, and to the faithful Morgan community, and friends, for honoring Dr. King by investing in our student dreamers of today—and ardent leaders of tomorrow.

On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I have a simple message for our National Treasure Family: let us not be distracted from Dr. King’s unfinished agenda—an agenda focused on eradicating racism, reducing poverty, stamping out authoritarianism, making our voices heard through the power of the voting ballot, and making sure that America holds true to the ideals of what it means to be a democracy. We cannot afford to lose our way and drift too far from ensuring these ideals are not simply realized but are infallibly woven into the fabric of our lives. So, as we commit ourselves to a day of service today, in honor of Dr. King, let’s do so with this unfinished agenda in mind.

Wilson Signature
President Wilson