Theatre Arts Program

Theatre Arts at Morgan State University strives to:
1. Provide an inclusive undergraduate education in Theatre. Courses taken in Theatre Arts will provide the foundation for students in their appreciation and understanding of Theatre.
Students will be prepared for:
- Graduate school
- Professional theatre training programs
- Teaching of Theatre at the secondary education level
2. Provide all Morgan State University students with educational and theatrical experiences that enhance their understanding and aesthetic appreciation of stage productions and literature.
3. Serve as a vital force in the cultural and intellectual life of Morgan State University, the community, and throughout the surrounding area.
The activities of the Theatre Arts area reflect Morgan State University's commitment to excellence in teaching and creative activity. Creative activity is the program's principle research mission. By directing, acting, designing and writing for theatre in their on-campus laboratory at MSU's Turpin-Lamb Theatre and professionally in theatres across the nation, the Theatre Arts faculty enhance their artistic capabilities and enrich their effectiveness in the classroom.
The Theatre Arts program serves as a resource to school teachers in the State of Maryland by providing special performances, study guides for students, and consultation in the areas of theatrical production and curriculum.
Theatre is a collaborative art. Collaboration implies individuals working as a unit and is predicated on mutual respect among those individuals as artists, scholars, and people.
Theatre is a living art. Because theatre is alive and exists in the present tense, it can bog down--lose its magic--if the human beings engaged in it do not seek or embrace ways of collaborating that release individual intelligences, creative energies, spirits, and courage.
Teaching theatre to the next generation of imaginers, thinkers, and doers DEMANDS integrity and accountability to our students, profession, and colleague collaborators.
Because teaching Theatre is also a collaborative living art, it is intrinsically bound up with how well its collaborators and living beings function together.
Why the Theatre Morgan HBCU experience? "The Edge":
The Major in the Theatre Arts
The goals of the Theatre Arts program in the Department of Fine and Performing Arts are to enable students:
- (1) to develop an understanding of the broad field of theatre arts in becoming an educated theatre practitioner;
- (2) to appreciate the importance of theatre arts as it relates to liberal arts;
- (3) to gain a thorough knowledge of theatre arts and its interrelated areas in television, film, literature, drama and criticism;
- (4) to acquire knowledge and appreciation of African-American theatre and drama as it offers a contribution to an intercultural/diverse aesthetic; and
- (5) to be competitive in advanced degree programs.
University Requirements
In addition to meeting the requirements in General Education and in the major, students must also:
- Complete six (6) credits in the Liberal Arts Core required of all majors in the College of Liberal Arts. Options for satisfying this requirement are outlined under the section on the College of Liberal Arts.
- Pass the Senior Departmental Comprehensive Examination with a grade of 70 or higher
- Take two-thirds of all of their junior- and senior-level requirements in the major at Morgan (unless granted prior written permission by the Dean to take courses elsewhere)
- Earned a cumulative average of 2.0 or better and a major average of 2.0 or better, with no outstanding grades below "C" in the major (which includes all courses required for the major and required supporting courses).
Required Courses
Students majoring in Theatre Arts are required to complete the following courses:
THEA 101: Introduction to Theatre - 3
THEA 102: Fund of Stagecraft - 3
THEA 210: History of the Theatre I - 3
THEA 211: History of the Theatre II - 3
THEA 220: Acting I - 3
THEA 225: Script Analysis (formerly THEA 325) - 3
THEA 251: Stage Management 3
THEA 320: Advanced Acting 3
THEA 322: Vocal Training for the Actor (formerly THEA 222) - 3
THEA 340: Scenic Design (Scenography) - 3
THEA 343: Lighting Design - 3
THEA 350: Perf. Lab. Internship - 3
THEA 427: Directing - 3
THEA 450: Senior Practicum - 3
THEA 498: Theatre Internship - 3
XXX: Foreign Language (sequential) - 3
XXX: Foreign Language (sequential) - 3
THEA 128: University Theatre I - 1
THEA 129: University Theatre II - 1
THEA 228: University Theatre III - 1
THEA 229: University Theatre IV - 1
THEA 328: University Theatre V - 1
THEA 329: University Theatre VI - 1
Students must choose TWO from the following classes:
THEA 233: Costume Design - 3
THEA 234: Make-Up Design - 3
THEA 303: Adv. Oral Interpretation - 3
THEA 305: Theatre Management - 3
THEA 312: Black Drama - 3
ENGL 333: Playwriting - 3
THEA 416: Dramatic Thry. and Crit. - 3
Students must choose TWO from the following classes:
THEA 420: Theatre Workshop Adv. Scene Study - 3
THEA 421: Theatre Workshop Children's Theatre - 3
THEA 422: Theatre Workshop Performing Arts Theatre - 3
The Minor in the Theatre Arts
The minor in Theatre Arts requires students to complete a sequence of 18 credits
THEA 101: Introduction to Theatre - 3
THEA 102: Stagecraft - 3
THEA XXX: University Theatre - 1
THEA XXX: University Theatre - 1
THEA XXX: University Theatre - 1
THEA 225: Script Analysis - 3
Choose one of the following courses:
THEA 220: Acting I - 3
THEA 251: Stage Management - 3
THEA 320: Advanced Acting I - 3
THEA 322: Vocal Training for Actor (formerly THEA 222) - 3
THEA 340: Scenic Design (Scenography) - 3
THEA 343: Lighting Design - 3
THEA 305: Theatre Management - 3
Choose ONLY one of the following Theatre Workshop Courses:
THEA 420: Adv. Scene Study - 3
THEA 421: Children's Theatre - 3
THEA 422: Performing Arts Theatre - 3
Students will study the special challenges of administering Visual Art programs in the secondary schools. The refinement of planning skills for secondary art programs and components will be a primary goal.
- 4 hours
- 3 credits
- Prerequisites: SCED 302 or equivalent
Emphasis will be placed on the development of skills in long and short range planning for kindergarten through 12th grade Visual Art. Opportunities will be provided for actual teaching experiences.
- 4hours
- 3 credits
The Departmental Honors Program in Theatre Arts is a complement to-and isintended to be pursued during the junior and senior years after completion of- the university-wide Honors Program in the General Education Program. The Departmental Honor Program is designed to broad- en the range and increase the depth ofstudy in the major by providing opportunities for:
- developing advanced analytical and critical thinking skills specific to the discipline,
- reading extensively and intensively the seminal great booksin the field,
- investigating, conducting research on and defending a topic, thesis, or project,
- laying the foundation for lifelong, independent learning, and
- developing a sense of belonging in the Community of Scholars and a commitment to the advancement of knowledge.
To qualify for admission to the Departmental Honors Program in Theatre Arts, students must:
- have earned a minimum of 56 credits, at least 25 of which must have been earned at Morgan;
- must have a cumulative average of 3.4 or higher,
- must have a major average of 3.4 or higher in all required and supporting courses completed for the major, and
- must file a formal application, be interviewed, and be admitted to the Programby the Department.
Program Requirements
Students admitted to the Departmental Honors Program in Theatre Arts must complete the following course requirements:
- THEA 388 Great Works - Directed Reading I - 2 credits
- THEA 389 Great Works - Directed Reading II - 2 credits
- THEA 488 Senior Honors Thesis I - 3 credits
- THEA 489 Senior Honors Thesis II - 3 credits
In addition, students must, based on the research conducted in their Senior Thesis courses, write and, in April of the senior year, defend a Senior Thesis on a topic approved by the department.
To remain in the Departmental Honors ProgramTheatre Arts, students must:
- once admitted to the Program, complete all remaining courses in the major at Morgan (unless excused from doing so by the Dean),
- maintain a major average of 3.4 or higher, and
- complete all courses in the Departmental Honors Program with an average of 3.4 or higher. Students who complete the requirements outlined above will be graduated with Departmental Honors, which will be conferred in a ceremony associated with graduation exercises.
(Course descriptions can be downloaded from pg 56 of the Morgan State University 2016-2018 Undergraduate Catalog)
Contact Information
Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center
2201 Argonne Dr., Suite 213
Baltimore, MD 21218
(443) 885-3665
Request more information about the Theatre Arts degree at Morgan State University.
Contact Information
Carl J. Murphy Fine Arts Center
2201 Argonne Dr., Suite 213
Baltimore, MD 21218
(443) 885-3665
Request more information about the Theatre Arts degree at Morgan State University.