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Computer Science

Edward Dillon

Edward Dillon, Jr.

Associate Professor, Computer Science

Office: McMechen Hall 613
Phone: (443) 885-3371

Research Interests:

Social computing, Human-Centered computing, and Computer Science Education. The main interest is to study favorable and unfavorable impacts that technology can impose on social atmospheres. The objective is to address humanistic, societal, and educational issues as they relate to technology, and develop and employ solutions that are computational, empirical, or theoretical.

Selected Publications (h-Index 6, i10-index 6, citations 136):

  • Dillon E, Williams K. L. (2020). “Course Content as a Tool of Inclusivity for Black/African-American Women in Computing.” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Vol. 36(3), pp. 151-160.
  • Kowalski R, Franci M, Dillon E, Macbeth J, Bush M. (2020). “Racial Differences in Cyberbullying from the Perspective of Victims and Perpetrators.” Journal of Orthopsychiatry, APA, 90(5), pp. 644-652.
  • Osias J, Partlow L, and Dillon E (2018). “Using Mobile Application Development and 3-D Modeling to Encourage Minority Male Interest in Computing and Engineering.” Transactions on Education, IEEE, Vol. 61(4), pp. 1-7.
  • Dillon E, Williams B, Kang S, Gilbert J, Brinkley J, and Moon D. (2017). “Bridging the Safety Divide through Technology to Improve the Partnership between Students and Campus Law-Enforcement: An ‘App’ Opportunity.” In J.D. Ward (Eds.), Policing and Race in America: Economic, Political, and Social Dynamics, Lexington Books, pp. 207-219.
  • Liu L, Dillon E, and Zhang J. (2017). “Finding a Holistic Design for Elderly People to Type on Smartphones.” In the Proceedings of the ACM 10th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2017), Rhodes, Greece, pp. 91-95.
  • Z. Xiang, J. Tong, N. Vishwamitra, E. Whittaker, J. P. Mazer, R. Kowalski, H. Hu, F. Luo, J. Macbeth, and E. Dillon, (2016). “Cyberbullying Detection with a Pronunciation Based Convolutional Neural Network”, In Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2016 15th IEEE International Conference on, pp. 740-745.
  • E. Dillon, J. Macbeth, R. Kowalski, E. Whittaker, and J. Gilbert, (2016). "Is This Cyberbullying or Not?": Intertwining Computational Detection with Human Perception (A Case Study)", In Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity, Springer International Publishing, pp. 337-345.