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Business Administration

Christopher Mathis

Dr. Christopher Mathis

Interim Associate Dean & Professor of Management, Business Administration

Office: GSBM 622
Phone: 443-885-4213


Ph.D. Jackson State University - Management, 2008

M.B.A. Clark Atlanta University - Finance, 2002


Dr. Christopher J. Mathis is a Professor of Management and the Management Ph.D. Coordinator at the Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management at Morgan State University. He received his B.B.A. in Accounting (Jackson State University), M.B.A. with a concentration in Finance (Clark Atlanta University), and Ph.D. in Business Administration with a focus in Management (Jackson State University).

His research interests have mostly been in the area of work–life interactions and leader-followership relationships. Recently, Dr. Mathis has developed an interest in mental health, social entrepreneurship, and employee intentions to transition into entrepreneurship. His research appears in Group and Organization Management, Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, Journal of Managerial Issues, Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, among other journals. Selected research conferences include the Academy of Management, Southern Management Association, and the Eastern Academy of Management.

Among his many notable accomplishments are the awards he has received, including the Outstanding Empirical Paper at the Eastern Academy of Management and the Excellence in Public and/or Community Service Award from Morgan State University.

Research Interests:

Work-Life interactions, leader-followership, employee transition to entrepreneurship, mental health, social entrepreneurship

Recent Publications

Christophe, Y., Javadian, G. Mathis, C. J., & Ramani, R. (2024). When work doesn't work: An alternative framework to examine cognitive factors in employment-entrepreneurship transitions. Conceptual Issue for Group & Organization Management.

Christophe, Y., Javadian, G. Mathis, C. J., & Ramani, R. (2024). When work doesn't work: An alternative framework to examine cognitive factors in employment-entrepreneurship transitions. Conceptual Issue for Group & Organization Management.

Mathis, C. J., Anthony, E. L., & Sharif, M. M. (2023). Satisfaction with work–life balance during the COVID-19 pandemic for full-time workers forced to work from home. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management,23(1) 15-28.

Mathis, C. J., Horn, D., Randle, N. W., & Gaylor, K. P. (2018). Unmasking the mystery of sex and gender between the bidirectional relationship of work–family conflict and job satisfaction. Journal of Business Diversity, 18(1), 79-94.