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Faculty & Staff

The Center for Career Development (CCD) shares a mutual goal--student success. By working together, we can ensure the transition from student to a member of the workforce is as seamless as possible.

Think of the path our students take to their professional careers as a camping trip. You (the faculty) do an outstanding job of "filling the students' backpacks" with the knowledge and practical skills they need to thrive once they reach their destination. While we (the staff in the center) provide the maps and compasses and serve as guides for students as they navigate through the mud, brush, and unknown to find their way to the trail that leads to their career path...

Following are some of the services we offer:

  • We help your students find the right fit-We help students determine the right career for their interests, career goals, skills, values, and personality. During their academic careers, students return to the CCD to develop essential job-search skills. We are a student's best resource for job outlook, salary, and employment trend information.
  • We know employers who want to know you-At the CCD, we work directly with employers, who often ask for the contact information of faculty members who could help them to target students in a particular major or discipline. Ideally, employers would like to develop mutually beneficial relationships with faculty and can provide many forms of support. We can facilitate that connection.
  • Our career fairs attract many recruiters to one event-Our career fairs provide excellent opportunities for your students to meet representatives from the companies in their industries of choice and establish a network of contacts. We will help your students research the employers beforehand and provide tips so they are prepared to effectively engage recruiters.
  • We help students master the job interview-There is no better way to prepare for the job interview than by experiencing an "actual" interview. We can conduct mock interviews with your students in-person or virtually, then provide a constructive critique of their performance and effective interview strategies.
  • We assist in identifying quality experiential education opportunities-Experiential education is such an important part of your student's overall educational experience. Just ask any employer. Through our network of employers, we can help your students identify internship and cooperative education opportunities that will best serve them in their academic and professional pursuits.

Consider adding career-related activities to your course, here are a few suggestions:

For additional ideas, click HERE.

These are just some of the services we offer. Please call the Center for Career Development 443.885.3110 to determine how, together, we can help students achieve success. We look forward to working with you.