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Office of Assessment & Operations


Searchlight is a cloud-based Outcome Assessment System for the Academic and Non-Academic units. Searchlight automates elements of Institutional Assessment, Outcome Assessment, and Re-Accreditation processes campus-wide. It is a foundation for institutional effectiveness, increasing participation by stakeholders, and storing data for documenting effectiveness at multiple levels of operation.

Access to SearchLight Technology

SearchLight is an Assessment Solution. It can be used to:

Enter Course Level Outcomes, Program Outcomes, and Institutional Outcomes
Create a space for Faculty to collaborate about the assessment
Manage reports, Outcome Information and compliance information
Protect Academic Freedom and Confidentiality of Information at Multiple levels

SeachLight is an Accreditation and Re-Accreditation Solution. Academic and non-academic units can use it to:

Manage Strategic Objectives
Prepare Accreditation Reports and Other Compliance Documents
Manage Requirements and Assign Responsibilities for Responses
Develop Budget Requests in-line with the Strategic Plan

SearchLight is a One-Stop-Shop Technology Platform and can be utilized to develop a culture of continous assessment campus-wide (Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, etc.). Examples of assessment initiatives implemented in the platform are listed below:

Course Assessments (i.e., General Education Program)
Individual Annual Reports
Department Reports
College/School Reports
Differentiated Assessment Plans
Program Reviews