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History & Geography

Francis Dube

Dr. Francis Dube

Associate Professor , History & Geography

Office: 309 BSSC
Phone: 443.885.1790

Education: Ph.D. in History - Univ. of Iowa M.A. in History - Univ. of Iowa B. A. in Economic History - Univ. of Zimbabwe

Africa; history of medicine and public health; environmental history

Ph.D. in History - Univ. of Iowa
M.A. in History - Univ. of Iowa
B. A. in Economic History - Univ. of Zimbabwe


Undergraduate: Africa to 1875, Africa since 1870, World History I & II, Introduction to the Social Sciences; The Environmental Crisis in Historical Perspective; World History I (Online); Historiography

Graduate: The Environmental Crisis in Historical Perspective; Thesis Seminar; Colonial & Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa; Dissertation Proposal

Select Publications

  • Public Health at the Border of Zimbabwe and Mozambique, 1890-1940: African Experiences in a Contested Space (African Histories and Modernities), Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. (2020).
  • "Implications of border-making and border-crossing for the control of livestock diseases in colonial Southern Africa, 1890-1960," Revista de Estudios Africanos 0, (December 2019): 119-143. doi:
  • "Public Health at the Zimbabwean Border: Medicalizing Migrants and Contesting Colonial Institutions, 1890-1960." Histoire sociale/Social history 52, no. 105 (2019): 93-108.
  • "‘In the Border Regions of the Territory of Rhodesia, There Is the Greatest Scourge...': The Border and East Coast Fever Control in Central Mozambique and Eastern Zimbabwe, 1901-1942," Journal of Southern African Studies 41, 2 (2015): 219-235.
  • "Medicine without Borders: the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in central Mozambique and eastern Zimbabwe, 1893-1920s," OFO: Journal of Transatlantic Studies 4, 2 (2014): 21-38.
  • "Public Health and Racial Segregation in South Africa: Mahatma (M. K) Gandhi Debates Colonial Authorities on Public Health Measures, 1896-1904." Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria 21 (2012): 21-40.
  • Review of Eric Allina, Slavery By Any Other Name: African Life under Company Rule in Colonial Mozambique (Charlottesville, VA: UVA Press, 2012). History: Reviews of New Books 41, 2 (2013): 63-64.